Why Join?

Organization: Fight to win better working conditions at your job with the weight of the IWW behind you

Education: Receive help from our Organizing Department and your other fellow workers in your local branch in building the skills you need to start organizing a union at your job

Agitation: You need a union, and so does every other worker in the world – spread the good word with us!

Solidarity: Be part of something bigger than yourself and your workplace – meet other fellow workers, be supported by them, and support them in turn

Comradery: Find joy with your fellow workers in standing together and fighting for a better world

Community: Get to know other friendly fellow workers who are invested in building a kinder, more humane, and more just future (and who understand the unfair bullshit at your current job)

Who Can Join the IWW?

From IWW.org
As long as you are a worker — not an employer — you can join the IWW. Members of other unions (except officers), students, retirees, the unemployed, the self-employed, those in informal professions, and those unable to work may also join. To us, you are all workers. There is a difference in interests at work between employees and employers. Even if someone doesn’t own the business, if they have real hiring and firing power over other workers then they count as an employer to us. By restricting our membership to only workers we make it easier to act in solidarity with other people at your job and improve your working conditions. If you are a worker then you belong in the IWW with us!

To join the South Carolina General Membership Branch you must live or work in the state of South Carolina or around the city of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Sign up through Red Card on the IWW website below!
As soon as the national membership coordinator communicates your membership to us we will reach out to loop you into our branch. 

Join the IWW Today!